Travel scams: how to recognize and avoid them

Travel scams: travellers are all being scammed once in a journey. But it’s possible to avoid them so as not to get ripped off! You are travelling, open to others, eager for exchanges, encounters and friendship. Alas, scams are also part of the travel experience! Here are a few tips to not get fleeced The … Read more Travel scams: how to recognize and avoid them

Nice locals and bad tourists: when locals are afraid of being ripped off by travellers

Masterful travel lesson: the locals are afraid of being ripped off by tourists!  Arrival in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, very weakened by a cold snap, I allow myself a few days of rest in a nice hotel with thick duvets and soft mattresses. I sleep all my drunk half of the day but go out every … Read more Nice locals and bad tourists: when locals are afraid of being ripped off by travellers

Scams in the transportations: how to recognize and avoid them while travelling

Scams in transport: taxi, train or bus, inexperienced travellers are often fleeced like newbies. Do not panic, all tricks are here ! Scams are an international sport, it is not enough to go abroad to be the victim of a scam, in France, the United States or the Philippines, scammers are everywhere. But just because … Read more Scams in the transportations: how to recognize and avoid them while travelling

How to load your backpack like a pro

How to load your backpack is a subject that seems without mystery, yet few travellers know how to fill their bags… Loading your backpack on a daily basis is essential for long-distance travellers. A good load allows you to get organised quickly, to carry your belongings better and to protect them well and, of course, to … Read more How to load your backpack like a pro

Travel blues stroke: adventure too, it saturates!

Incredible but true, big travelers also have the blues and get bored : this is saturation phase!  The daily train-train exhausted you, you were only a shadow of yourself and that’s why you threw yourself into the adventure of the journey. Here there is no routine, no toxic habits that scleroticise your neurons.You’ve been in the … Read more Travel blues stroke: adventure too, it saturates!

Traveler’s blues: the feeling of loneliness

The trip enchants you and makes you happy, everything is going well, better than ever. So why this sudden blues, this feeling of loneliness?  Here you are launched into the adventure of the great journey. Every day you realise that everything is much easier than you imagined. There are not so many problems and most … Read more Traveler’s blues: the feeling of loneliness


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