Why go on a trip? How to become a nomad? because a travel is life-changing!
My name is Christine, I am French, I am 50 years old. I went on a trip far far away and for a long time . I became a “nomad”. This experience helped me to change my life. You don’t heal in the place where you are ill, so I left to be free and to find the way that suits me at best. This journey opened closed doors and led to some very interesting and rewarding encounters. If this plan appeals to you and you would like to do the same, then welcome to this site! If this sentence exceeds you because it seems impossible, welcome too!
Change is a chance, Realise yourself trough travelling !

Why go on a trip and How: all the advices are here !
When we talk about nomads today, we mostly imagine young people.
A man or a woman of 50 years fits much less with the representation of the adventurer, inconstancy, the provisional.
Yet going on a trip for a long time (but not forever), without a return date, is a unique adventure in life: to cast off the moorings is to be free to choose, to move and it is a great enrichment. When traveling, you have to get rid of your fears, gain confidence and get out of your comfort zone. It is not only a question of telling you how life is beautiful, wonderful, incredible when you spend your life on the roads of the world but to show you that this adventure is also for the less young, at any age and without having much silver.
Here, we don’t judge religion or politics, we discuss it!
Here we mostly talk about travel and adventure
No question of remaining politically correct, I promise to tell only the truth, the whole truth about the trip, the release of the moorings, the life of nomad, no matter if you are 20 or 60.
Good and less good experiences, difficult passages but above all, moments of joy, beautiful meetings! A nomadic journey is an intimate, personal, subjective experience.
Your journey will certainly be very different. A long-distance journey is a clever mix of hazards, hazards that escape all planning.
With a little thought and organization, you will see that everything is possible and that you have the right to live several lives.
Here you will find true stories of true, tips which I hope will help you make your own harvest
of beautiful fulfilling and rewarding travel experiences.